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OPA Board Monthly Meeting Minutes

10 June 2007
Joslyn Park

Meeting called to order @ 4:09 by Ted W.

Board members
In attendance:
Ted Winterer
Mary Marlow
Jan Ludwinski
Susan Lewis
Jeff Jarow
Mary Hubbell
Dana Ehrlich
Joel Brand
Pauline Bohannon
Dennis Allard

Bob Taylor
Jacob Samuel
Lori Nafshun
Arlene Hopkins

Refreshments by Kay P.

1) Introduction to OPA

2) New items
Mary H. spoke to police homelessness liaison and will set up a talk for a future OPA Board meeting; she will aim for September

3) Brief Announcements
Kristina D. has resigned from the OPA board

Kay to miss next meeting, so bring your own refreshments

Summer Solstice event is 24 June

Sustainable Works, a non-profit sponsored by City of SM And SMC, will be sponsoring "Green Living Workshops". If interested, please call Anna Cummins @ Sustainable Works @ (310) 458-8716 x1

Solar legislation recently passed by state legislature and signed into law by the governor has eliminated an unintended consequence in the previous law which required time-of-day metering for solar energy users, dramatically reducing any savings that they might have reaped

Bulk purchase of solar energy systems for SM residents is available through SolarCity (888) SOL-CITY

California Incline Bridge Replacement Project (proposed to address current seismic standards) Draft EIR/EA Workshop will be held on 20 June 07 in the Multi-purpose Room of the Main library, 6:30

Joel – Main Street Merchants have asked for help driving trucks to Inglewood and back on the 23/24 June for the Solstice event. Jan L. and possibly Ted W. (if not otherwise obligated) volunteered.

4) Prior Meeting Minutes
Approved unanimously

5) Board Actions Since Last Regular Board Meeting

6) Information Items

7) Actions from previous meetings
Completed action from April: All nesletter articles but one (Ted W.) were turned in

From March:
•    Previous ACTION:  Jake S. to write the letter to City Council [to recommend denial of the appeal against landmarking]

From February:
•    Previous ACTION:  Jeff J. will draft an email to the unpaid membership to encourage payment of dues and present that email at next month's meeting. Should combine this with action alert and/or tee-shirt solicitation
•    Previous ACTION:  Bob T. is to invite Eilene Fogarty to help us plan the next steps to get the [OP Blvd] plan updated.
•    Previous ACTION: Mary M. to invite the trustees to an OPA meeting to discuss parking priorities for students.
•    Previous ACTION: Jeff to talk to Arlene for NC consideration
•    Previous ACTION: Lori to research schedule, costs, etc. for such a seminar [leadership]
•    Previous ACTION: Jeff to talk to Arlene for NC consideration

From January:
•    Previous ACTION: Committee chairs are to write a synopsis of what their respective committees do (in time for mailer). The only committees for which I have charters are OP Blvd/Traffic and Disaster Preparedness

8) Shotgun house
Ms. Ginsberg described the history of the shotgun house. City has narrowed the number of potential sites to 2nd street and Norman Place (across from the OP Branch Library) and community gardens site, with the City's preferred site being the 2nd and Norman Place

Mario Fonda-Bonardi (SM Conservancy) described two reasons why the Conservancy favors the gardens site: 1) Greater visible on Main and 2) It is a more historically accurate location.

Motion by Joel B. that "OPA express a preference for the community gardens site, unless the city funds it, in which case  the 2nd and Norman Place site would be acceptable." Motion failed, 3-5-1. Motion that OPA "Endorse whatever site that the city chooses and recommend that if the city chooses the 2nd and Norman Place site, in view of its less desirable location from the standpoint of private fundraising, that it provide funding to help offset the cost of installing it there." Motion passed 7-2-0.

Bea Nemlaha requested that OPA support the neighbors on 3rd street in opposition to a proposed development at 2617 3rd street. Jan L. proposed a motion that "OPA supports preserving the historical fabric of the 3rd Street Neighborhood Historical District and supports the Citizens Participating Committee (CPC) and its judgment regarding development in that district." Motion passed 6-3-1. As an additional piece of information, it was noted that the CPC is called out explicitly in the landmarks ordinance.

Agenda was re-prioritized and the meeting was extended to 6 PM to make sure that we addressed :

12) OP Blvd

13) Bylaws

14) Parade

10) Request from SMCLC to support limited moratorium on development during LUCE revisions
Motion to send letter in attachment 3 was unanimously passed.

Committee reports
OP Blvd:  At last meeting, members will speak in support of OP Blvd. Dennis made pitch at Planning commission

Main Street:  No report

Traffic and Parking: No report

Lincoln Blvd:  No report

Disaster Preparedness: No report

13) Review of proposed changes to bylaws

Motion to approve the amended bylaws. Unanimously passed.

14) OPA Administration
Parade: $10-11,000 budget. $3000 commitment from NOMA, $2500 sponsorship (8 so far), surfboard donated by ZJ's

City Council grant of $6000 to be requested on Tuesday

Daily Press is a sponsor

18,000 flyers planned

Next committee meeting will be Wed 13 June, 7:00, @ Lori's

Adjourned @ 6:04 PM

Jan Ludwinski
Secretary, OPA

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